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By popular request, these are just a few general pointers and tools I find helpful to get started with making game reviews or a gaming channel on YouTube. I don’t have much stylistic advice. I’m like that teacher in Fable who just gives training and doesn’t care if you do good or evil with it. Please be good anyways.
Support the channel at: or
I take video suggestions at
Start – 0:00
My First Video – 1:26
Hardware/Software Options – 2:13
All About Audio – 4:05
Video Editing – 8:48
Writing/Project Management – 11:18
Titles/Thumbnails/Tagging/MetaData – 14:55
The Internet and You – 17:39
Money and Ethics – 18:53
#HowToYoutube #MakingGameReviews #GamingChannelGuide #FargothGang #GamingChannel
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